
These protocols protect us from complaints, repetition, stress, additional costs, dissatisfied patients and much more so that the patient knows exactly how his or her smile will look like, how long the entire process will last and how much visits a patient will have when he or she enters the prosthetic part of the therapy.

We want to provide our colleagues and dentists a work planning service so that they can successfully and foreseeably build the case to the very end. We also share knowledge that we gain through intensive education and our rich experience, and we have solved this by offering not only lectures and courses, but also consulting everyone who needs to be able to provide their services at a high level and improve their business.

Our protocols help large systems, laboratories, clinics that, because of the large volume of work, have a lot of losses due to complaints and repairs. The protocol protects you because it reduces "garbage" which is a non-refundable loss of money. By introducing our protocols, profit increases and thus reduces stress.